Sunday 15 June 2014

Species of the week: Emperor penguin

Species of the week:
Emperor penguin ( Aptenodytes forsteri)

  1. It is a species of penguins endemic for Antarctica.
  2. It is the tallest and heaviest species of penguins with their height reaching 122cm and  22 and 45 kg in weight.
  3. They feed primarily on fish and crustaceans.
  4. They can remain submerged for 18 minutes at a time and can go down to 535 meters in depth.
  5. They are the only species to breed in winter forming large ice colonies with other members of their species.
  6. The female lays an egg and the male incubates it while the mother is out foraging.
  7. Once the chick is born the parents then take turns foraging and caring for their chick.
  8. They can live for about 20 years in the wild and up to 50 in captivity.
  9. They coordinate their foraging with others of their species as they are highly sociable species.
  10. They are listed as "Nearly Threatened"by the IUCN due to the habitat loss and loss of food availability. 

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