Sunday 1 September 2013

Species of the Week: Barn Owl

Species of the Week:
Barn Owl(Tyto alba)

  1. The overall length of a Barn owl is 25-50 cm and it's wingspan can be from 70-110cm.
  2. It can be found all across the globe with the exception of polar and desert regions and some areas in Asia.
  3. It can be found in farmlands and grasslands with some intermingled woodland in between. It prefers hunting at the edge of the forest.
  4. They mostly feed on small vertebrates, preferring rodents.
  5. Although most wild Barn Owls only live to be about 2-4 years old, in captivity the maximum lifespan has been 20 years old.
  6. In colder parts of their range, Barn owls breed in late March to early April while in warmer parts, breeding can occur at any time.
  7. About four to seven eggs are born and usually a clutch is laid every year.
  8. The mother stays in her nest while the father provides food for both her and the hatchlings.
  9. Barn owls hunt using their sense of hearing through which they can pinpoint a rodent. Then they quickly and silently fly towards it favoring an ambush approach.
  10. Despite it's conservation status being "Least Concern"there are many subspecies of barn owls that are under local threats due to habitat loss, pesticide use and predation by invasive species.

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