Monday 26 August 2013

Species of the Week: Red Wolf

Species of the Week:
Red Wolf(Canis rufus)

  1. The red wolf is a different species from the gray wolf(Canis lupus). It has been confirmed both genetically and morphologically.
  2. Red wolves can only be found in the North American continent.
  3. Male red wolves are slightly larger than females wolves.
  4. Red wolves are smaller than grey wolves, resembling a mid point animal between grey wolf and a coyote.
  5. Red wolves come in heat once a year. They give birth to about five pups to a litter and become sexually active after their second year.
  6. It is estimated that only 300 red wolves remain in the world. Of them about 100 are thought to be wild. The rest are in captivity.
  7. Wild red wolves are only found in Northeast Carolina.
  8. Red wolves  can be confused with coyotes and shot. In fact in North Carolina's hunting season 2013, 3 red wolves were shot as they were thought to be coyotes.
  9. Red wolves do not form large packs as grey wolves might do. Instead they form a mating pair or a very small family pack.
  10. Red wolves are mostly nocturnal and are shy and elusive animals.

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