Sunday 11 May 2014

Species of the week: Thorny dragon

Species of the week:
Thorny dragon(Moloch horridus)

  1. The thorny dragon can only be found in the continent of Australia.
  2. It can be found in  arid scrub-land and desert environments.
  3. It can grow to be up to 20 cm in length.
  4. Their camouflage is in shades of brown and tan to camouflage in the desert but it also varies from season to season becoming paler as it becomes warmer and darker as it becomes colder.
  5. The thorny devils are covered entirely in mostly uncalcified conical spines.
  6. The lizards also have a spiny false head designed to trick predators.
  7. The way it's body is designed allowed for water to be collected in all parts of it's body which is then conveyed to its mouth.
  8. They mostly feed on ants they catch in the desert.
  9. It can live up to 20 years.
  10. It's mating season is spring summer(September-December for Australians) and the female lays 3-10 eggs in a nesting burrow 30 cm underground.The eggs hatch after about 3-4 months.

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