Sunday 2 March 2014

Species of the Week: Plateau pika

Species of the week:
Plateau Pika(Ochotona curzoniae)
  1. It weights around 120-150g when fully grown.
  2. Their main habitat is about 3200km-5300m above sea level. In this kind of altitude oxygen concentrations are less than we are used to.
  3. They are found in the Tibetan Plateau and in high altitude steppes, deserts and meadows in India, Nepal and Pakistan.
  4. They are considered a keystone species due their recycling of nutrients in the ecosystem. As their habitat is often in need of nutrients, the presence of pikas means that more and more nutrients are recycled.
  5. Pikas have a monogamous and  polygamous groups.
  6. These groups usually contain 3 males to 4 females.
  7. Females usually breed every three weeks after the last litter is born.
  8. They give birth to 2-5 litters each consisting of 2-7 offsprings.
  9. Breeding season last from April to August.
  10. Groups form reproductive alliances, helping each other raise their young, deter predators and make sure that genetic diversity is maintained.

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