Przewalski's horse(Equus ferus przewalski)
- It is considered the only true wild horse to exist today.
- They stand about 122-146cm tall and weight about 200-350kg.
- They generally have a brown colour with variations of those shades.
- They can be found in Mongolia, although a small herd of them was introduced in the Chernobyl Exclusion zone.
- Their average lifespan is about 20 years.
- They form small social groups consisting of a stallion and two to three mares with their foals.
- Breeding season is towards the end of May till July and pregnancy lasts 11-12 months.
- The foals stay with their herd until they disperse to mate(in case of males) or an independent and choose to disperse to avoid inbreeding (in case of females)
- The foals are able to walk and run, an hour after they have been born.
- They are listed as "Endangered" by the IUCN.